
Showing posts from September, 2008

IRS makes Non-Profit Initial Determinations Permanent

The Internal Revenue Service has an onerous and expensive 2-step process for approval of exempt organizations. Because of the new IRS 990 annual filing requirement for non-profits, the IRS is changing the process. Instead of giving a 5-year preliminary approval requiring a review after 5 years to demonstrate the charity receives public support, the initial letter in now a final "Letter of Determination." This will eliminate the review but does not make up for the extra work of filing the 990,

IRS Takes $97,000 from Kentucky Town

The IRS seized $97,000 from Raceland, Ky. The Mayor told a startled city council at an emergency meeting Wednesday night that the Internal Revenue Service has seized close to $100,000 from the city coffers because of non-payment of 2006-2007 taxes. This means the muncipal employees will lose their jobs and leaves the town in a precarious position for supplying fire and police services. Read more about this IRS attack.

New PIN Requirement for Tax Returns

New PIN Requirement for 2009 Filing Season Starting with the 2009 filing season, all 1040 taxpayers filing electronic returns must sign their returns using an electronic personal identification number (PIN). A taxpayer's electronic signature will include a five-digit PIN that they create and either their prior year adjusted gross income (AGI) or prior year PIN .

Interest Rates Increase for the Fourth Quarter 2008

Interest Rates Increase for the Fourth Quarter 2008 The IRS announced that interest rates for the calendar quarter beginning October 1, 2008, will rise by a full percentage point. The interest rates are: 6 % for over payments (5 percent in the case of a corporation); 6% for under payments; 8% for large corporate underpayments; and 3.5% for the portion of a corporate overpayment exceeding $10,000.

Housing Price Drop May Be Worse than Great Depression

Economist Robert Shiller (of the Case-Shiller Housing Index) announced his findings concerning housing price trends. He predicts the nationwide average price decline for homes will likely exceed the 30% decline that America experienced in the 1930's Great Depression. Since average price declines already are in the 20% range, the 30% benchmark is rapidly approaching. Some of the formerly "red-hot" markets are down 50% or more.