Rob Andrews Resigning from Congress

Once again, New Jersey is being unnecessarily dragged through the mud. First, the unfounded attacks against Gov. Christie. Then, not correctly attributing the SuperBowl to the correct State (the Meadowlands is in NJ, not NY), and now Rob Andrews is getting the "tommy-gun" from the press in an attempt to ignore the real issues in our Federal Government. Rob Andrews is resigning from Congress under an ethical cloud. This is unfortunate since he certainly has been a highly energetic and active Congressmen for Southern New Jersey. Even though I disagree with many of his viewpoints, he certainly always had an open door to me and any other constituents. Years ago, I sponsored a dinner honoring James Corbett, a retiring member of the Camden office of the SBA. Rob was gracious enough to come speak at the event, and lend his staff for event assistance. He was a hard-working Freeholder Director before he got into Congress and he never forgot how important local...