7 years of non filing with the IRS

Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: TX
Subject: 7 years of non filing with the IRS

I've learned that my husband of 8 years has not filed taxes with the IRS (married filing jointly). He continues to say that ''it's ok'', but I have always been the responsible person prior to this marriage. This is causing me great stress and he doesn't seem to care. What kind of trouble can I get into with the IRS for non-filing of taxes? What are my options now?

Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: TX
Subject: Re: 7 years of non filing with the IRS

You can be in significant trouble both criminally and civily. You should file a tax return every year. If you had income, you are responsibile for filing your own tax return. Filing jointly is an option for married couples; it is not required.

The first thing you need to do is contact a tax lawyer, not an accountant. There is confidentiality for your communications with a lawyer and not the accountant if there is a potential criminal prosecution. If you are called by the IRS, just get the name and telephone number. Do not answer ANY questions. Even an innocuous sounding question such as "don't you know you did not file your taxes" could get you convicted.

Please see more information on my web site http://www.taxesq.com/

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