IRS Commissioner Brags About Profits from Increased Collections

IRS Commissioner Brags abour Profitablity of Increasing IRS Budget for Collections and Audits

Remarks of IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson at National Press Club

IR-2005-30, March 15, 2005

"The Administration has called for a 4.3 percent increase in IRS
funding in the President's '06 budget, with a nearly 8 percent increase for

These investments will pay for themselves several times over. Last
year, the IRS produced direct enforcement revenues of more than $43 billion
from our collection, audit and document-matching efforts. This reflects
better than a 4 to 1 return for every dollar invested in the total agency
budget, including our service and outreach activities. And our direct enforc
ement revenues don't include the indirect impact of our work that occurs
when a neighbor hears about a friend's audit or reads about a criminal
conviction and then spurns the suggestion to inflate a deduction or
understate income. Increased enforcement funding makes good sense and
contributes to deficit reduction. This year I hope Congress will recognize
our unique ability to promote deficit reduction and provide the President's
full funding request for the IRS."

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