LLC's Need Operating Agreement

LLC's Need Operating Agreement

I have formed a LLC corporation. I am trying to open up a bank acct in my business name. but they require an artile of incorpation, which I do not have. How do I obtain this.

In New Jersey, a Limited Liability COMPANY (not corporation) is started by filing a Certificate of Formation. This can be done online. If you filed online, in about a week you will get a copy from the State.The Filing of the Certificate of Formation is a Notice. The Operating Agreement and Organizational Resolutions are used to actually formalize the LLC. You should file for a separate Employer Identification Number and a State of NJ Number. Frankly, you need expert legal assistance. As a preliminary step, my web site, has a Choice of Entity Determinator which can help.Good luck!Ronald J. Cappuccio, J.D., LL.M. (Tax)

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