Is New Wife Liable for Husband's Prior Taxes?
Is New Wife Liable for Husband's Prior Taxes?
Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: VA
Subject: responsibility
If I marry a man that has back taxes due federal and state will I be responsible for his back debt also?
Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: VA
Subject: Re: responsibility
No, you will not be responsible for the prior taxes of your husband. Nevertheless, if you file a joint tax return, the IRS will keep the refund and apply it to his past due taxes. You would then have to fight to get it back. You should talk to a tax lawyer to answer your questions.
My web site has some articles which may help you.
I hope this helps!
Ron Cappuccio
Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: VA
Subject: responsibility
If I marry a man that has back taxes due federal and state will I be responsible for his back debt also?
Category: Tax and Taxation Law
Location: VA
Subject: Re: responsibility
No, you will not be responsible for the prior taxes of your husband. Nevertheless, if you file a joint tax return, the IRS will keep the refund and apply it to his past due taxes. You would then have to fight to get it back. You should talk to a tax lawyer to answer your questions.
My web site has some articles which may help you.
I hope this helps!
Ron Cappuccio